
Local Rules for Cobleskill

All alcoholic beverages must be purchased on the premises.
USGA Rules of Golf shall govern play except as modified by the following Local Rules:

Preferred Lie

Preferred Lie: A ball lying in a closely mown area of the hole being played may be moved or be lifted, cleaned, and positioned either by hand or club within 6 inches of where it originally lay, having been marked per rule 14.1 a., but not nearer the hole and not in a hazard or on a putting green.

Relief Areas

Relief Areas: Drop areas for Penalty area (red stakes only) on holes 2 and 13 are defined by white circles. A competitor may, in addition to other options permitted under Rule 14.1, play a ball from the designated drop area. If the ball is dropped in a drop area, the ball shall not be re-dropped if it comes to rest within two club-lengths of the spot where it first struck a part of the course, even though it may come to rest nearer the hole or outside the boundaries of the drop area. GENERAL PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match Play — Loss of Hole; Stroke Play — (2 strokes)

Embedded Ball Rule

Embedded Ball Rule: When in the general area (all except teeing area, penalty area, bunkers & putting green), a ball which is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground, other than sand, may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped WITHIN 6 inches as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball, when dropped, must first strike a part of the general area. Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if it is clearly unreasonable for him to play a stroke because of interference by anything other than the condition covered by this Local Rule. GENERAL PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match Play — Loss of Hole; Stroke Play — (2 strokes)

Ground Under Repair

Ground Under Repair: Any part of the course so marked: and any hole, ditch, stone, straw, or soil made or placed by the green crew or tire ruts from mechanized equipment and not considered an integral part of the course, is considered ground under repair.

Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds: White stakes define out of bounds. The white stakes between holes 3 and 4 apply only to hole 3, not to hole 4.

Range Finders

Range Finders: The use of USGA approved distance range finders are allowed in accordance with the USGA rule on range finders. 10 | May 2018

Protection of Flower Beds

Protection of Flower Beds: If a player’s ball comes to rest in a flower bed, or if a flower bed interferes with a player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, the ball must be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the procedure described in Rule 16.1 (Including Immovable Obstruction.) The ball may be cleaned when so lifted. Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if(a) it is clearly unreasonable for him to play a stroke because of interference by anything other than such flower bed (b) interference by such flower bed would occur only through use of an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play. GENERAL PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match Play — Loss of Hole; Stroke Play — (2 strokes)

Protection of Staked and Tagged Trees

Protection of Staked and Tagged Trees: If such a tree interferes with a player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, the ball must be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the procedure described in Rule 16.1 (Including Immovable Obstruction). The ball may be cleaned when so lifted. Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if (a) it is clearly unreasonable for him to play a stroke because of interference by anything other than such tree or (b) interference by such tree would occur only through use of an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing, or direction of play. GENERAL PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match Play — Loss of Hole; Stroke Play — (2 strokes)


Check out our scorecard to see how far you have to hit the ball to land on this picturesque 18th hole. You better hit it straight though or pay the consequence.

Course Guide

We believe that an enjoyable experience is the right of of every golfer. That’s why we offer below a glimpse at what you can expect when playing at Cobleskill. We know that a little course knowledge goes a long way toward enjoying the day and the course.